Appraisals Only

Features Gold Silver Bronze One-Offs
Appraisals included per month 40 10 1 NA
Users included per month 10 3 1 1
Access to Reporting Dashboard Yes Yes Yes Yes
Downloadable Reports Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sharable Client Questionnaire Yes Yes Yes Yes
Xero and MYOB Integration Yes Yes Yes Yes
Co-Branded Reports Yes Yes Yes No
Customer Support Yes Yes Yes Yes
Onboarding Webinar Yes Yes No No
Tailored Onboarding Training Yes No No No
Add-ons Gold Silver Bronze One-Offs
Additional Appraisals $15 $20 $25 NA
Additional Valuations $100 $100 $100 NA
Exit Planning Coming Soon NA NA NA NA

Valuations and Appraisals


Our corporate solutions grant you and your colleagues the capability to conduct up to 250 appraisals each month via your exclusive branded and personalised portal.

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